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Many people suffer with bi polar disorder everyday. It requires a lot of time and energy to keep track of their mood while trying to juggle prescriptions and the ups and downs of everyday life. I wanted to find a way to help those that live with this disorder to better track their mood in a quick and easy way. It's important for communication between a client and their therapist and psychiatrist be easy. However, that's not often a reality and can be a tiring repetitive task.


I've been designing a phone application that acts as a monitor and mood tracker for individuals who live with bi polar disorder. The app also helps the user communicate to their psychiatrist and therapist all in one easy to use place. I created all the UX designs and visual design system for this experience in Figma and Illustrator.

As Is Scenerio

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Kendal Board.png

I began by creating empathy maps for a bi polar user and therapist using the app to better understand some of the pain points they experience so I could go about designing a more meaningful experience to benefit the users. After that, I used the empathy map to inform and create an as is scenario for the user with bi polar disorder.

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Concept Screens

Sketches and Wireframes


Here is a look at my sketches for concept screens for vital parts of the app. I will go into further detail about each screen below.

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1. Opening Screen

This is how the app will appear to the user upon opening it daily. The user can simply and quickly select their mood and move on to the next step.

This page helps keep a record for the graph page to help the patient, therapist, and doctor keep track of how many days, weeks, months, or years episodes will be lasting.

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2. Symptoms Screen

Here is a screen to show if the user selected 'manic' in the first screen. It displays the symptoms of mania in which the user can select up to as many as apply to them that given day. In this screen, I have shown how 'irritability' would look if it were selected.

The app's coloring also changes depending on what the user selected in the first screen. That is why this screen's accent color is 'manic red'.

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3. Report Screen

The user is also able to optionally provide additional information to their therapist and psychiatrist in addition to their daily symptoms.


After gathering feedback and reflecting on this approach, I feel it is too simplistic for its purpose. I now understand that users may find it difficult to trust that what they disclose is confidential without reassurance confirming.


I would design an experience that would better guide them to give input that will give them the best help that they can get, coaching them on the language to use with their medical professionals to avoid unwanted hospitalization.

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4. Mood Graph

Finally, the user is able to track their moods by days, weeks, months, or years. This is helpful with medication management and recognizing patterns over time.

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© 2023 Emmy Stork

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